Wednesday Night Sessions

- Third Wednesday of the month, 7:30- 10:00pm September – June.
- At the Canadian American Club, 202 Arlington Street, Watertown, downstairs in the pub.
- $5 minimum suggested donation.
- Cash bar
- Regular session leaders: Katie McNally & Neil Pearlman.
- Open to the Public – Everyone is welcome – All acoustic instruments, ages, visitors, listeners, friends, etc.
- Covid Protocol: Please check the home page for current requirements.
Session Dates for 2024-25:
- September 18
- October 16
- November 20
- December 18
- January 15
- February 19
- March 19
- April 16
- May 21
- June 18
The Boston Scottish Fiddle Club sponsors these Scottish and Cape Breton jam sessions. The energetic sessions have become quite popular and there is always room for more. Come and play your favorite tunes with old and new friends.
These sessions are geared towards intermediate/advanced players but anyone is welcome to come and play. Also, when someone starts a tune it will be played at the speed it is started, which can be slow.

What tunes do we play?
- For a list of tunes played each month check out: Lance Ramshaw’s “CanAm Jam Session Tunes”.
- For a 2-page list of popular tunes click here.
- If you have questions about the sessions send us an email.
- BSFC members can purchase a Session Tune Book which contains music for popular tunes played at our session. The book is $20 if purchased in-person at a meeting or session, $25 if mailed. You can purchase it on PayPal, to be mailed to you, by clicking the link below: