You are invited to the Boston Scottish Fiddle Orchestra concert! Refreshments to follow. (no Covid requirements)

The Boston Scottish Fiddle Orchestra is the performing group of the Boston Scottish Fiddle Club.
- Rehearsals are weekly on Thursday evenings, 7-9PM
- Right now we are meeting in Lexington and Needham
- Music Director – Neil Pearlman
- Neil teaches us tunes and creates fun, unique arrangements.
- All instruments welcome.
- All levels welcome.
- Multiple performances during the year.
If you would like to connect with someone to get more information about the fiddle orchestra and/or ask questions please email If you would like, you can attend a rehearsal to check it our before you join.

Music Director
The Boston Scottish Fiddle Orchestra was formed in 2016 and is the performing group of the Boston Scottish Fiddle Club. Under the direction of Neil Pearlman the orchestra performs a repertoire of traditional and contemporary Scottish and Cape Breton tunes arranged to create a unique fresh sound while also keeping with the tradition. The group includes about 25 musicians of all ages who play fiddle, cello, guitar, mandolin, flute, accordion, whistle, piano and other instruments. In addition to their own Gala concert the fiddle orchestra performs at various festivals and events including the New Hampshire Highland Games, BCMFest and NEFFA (New England Folk Festival). They are excited to have recorded their second album, which was released in 2023.
How to join the Orchestra:
- If you are not yet a Boston Scottish Fiddle Club member: go here to join the Club and Orchestra together.)
- If you are already a Boston Scottish Fiddle Club member: Go to the Members Only section of the website, scroll to the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.
Orchestra Dues $80 plus a Boston Scottish Fiddle Club membership.
**All are welcome! Contact our Treasurer, Cathryn Stein, at to arrange a scholarship or discounted membership
For more videos of the concert GO HERE.
Rehearsal Schedule – Spring 2024
- March 7 – Rehearsal
- March 14 – Rehearsal with Neil
- March 21 – Rehearsal with Neil
- March 28 – Rehearsal
- April 4 – Rehearsal with Neil
- April 11 Rehearsal
- April 18 – Rehearsal with Neil
- April 20, Saturday, 2:00pm Performance @ NEFFA
- April 25 – Rehearsal with Neil
- May 2 – Rehearsal
- May 9 – Rehearsal with Neil
- May 16 – Rehearsal with Neil and Kevin Henderson
- May 18 – Saturday, Evening, Boston Scottish Fiddle Club Gala
- May 23 – Rehearsal
- May 30 – Rehearsal
- June 6 – Rehearsal
- June 13 – Rehearsal
- June 20 – Rehearsal
- June 27 – Rehearsal
The back story:
It’s 2016, on a cool April evening in Lexington, MA 15-20 fiddlers, guitarists, mandolinists and one flute player are gathered into a large living room tuning up. The Boston Scottish Fiddle Orchestra is getting ready to rehearse. Led by pianist Neil Pearlman (“a tremendous pianist” –BBC Radio Scotland), the BSFO is a new performance group associated with the Boston Scottish Fiddle Club. Founded more than 30 years ago the Boston Scottish Fiddle Club has long been an important part of the Boston Celtic music scene, sponsoring workshops, sessions and concerts in order to spread the appreciation of Scottish and Cape Breton fiddle music. From 1981 to 1999, fiddler Ed Pearlman (Neil’s father) directed the club, coordinating and planning events and leading a performance group made up of BSFC members in an annual concert series called the Boston Scottish Fiddle Rally, which featured major international fiddling soloists such as Natalie MacMaster, Alasdair Fraser and Ali Bain. In the 2000’s the performance side of the club became less active, until the Orchestra was launched this year. Bringing in Ed’s son Neil to direct the group, the Club has renewed its commitment to bring great Scottish music to the Boston community.

Check us out on Spotify:
Or buy our 2018 CD! $20 (it will be mailed to you):
For More videos go HERE.